Open Positions

Business Area
Business Area: 2 Business Areas
Location: 2 Locations
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: 2 Locations
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: Home Office United Kingdom (GB)
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: Eindhoven (NL)
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: Freiburg (DE)
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: Giarmata, jud. Timis (RO)
Workload: Full time
Business Area: 25 Business Areas
Location: 2 Locations
Workload: Full time
Business Area: Sales
Location: Home Office France (FR)
Workload: Full time
Business Area: 25 Business Areas
Location: 2 Locations
Workload: Full time

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Pupils & Apprentices

If you are interested in pursuing an apprenticeship with us, or if you simply want to get a taste of what might await you, then you can find all of the relevant information on our vocational training site.

Further Information

Working With Us

We are offering you the right environment to live out your passion in your specialist field and beyond. Working with us, you will be able to contribute your ideas and actively help to shape Hamilton’s future.

This vision was really ahead of its time.

Alexander Starcevic

Director Marketing and Customer Success, Hamilton Medical AG

We have always associated Switzerland with beautiful scenery, great quality of life and diverse culture.

Barbara Liebl

Team Leader HR Business Partner, Hamilton Services AG

I can put my theoretical knowledge into practice here.

Adrian Joost

Working Student, Hamilton Medical AG
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