Hamilton 2.0 receives Swiss Solar Prize 2024


The Swiss Solar Agency has awarded the Swiss Solar Prize 2024 to the new Hamilton 2.0 building.

On Thursday, October 30, 2024, Hamilton received the Swiss Solar Prize 2024. It is a tribute to our consistent strategy of using sustainable energy sources for new buildings.

Hamilton 2.0 sets new standards: Switzerland’s largest industrial building with Minergie-P certification has been in operation since 2023. Large PV systems have been installed not only on the entire surface of the roof, but also on the east, south and west facades. Thanks to the PV systems on the facades, we also benefit from the low-lying sun in winter:

  • The new Hamilton 2.0 building alone produces 834,000 kWh of CO2-free solar power every year. This is enough to power 556 electric cars for 10,000 kilometers a year.
  • The Bonaduz and Domat/Ems sites have a combined installed capacity of 2,283 MWp.

The Swiss Solar Agency, which awards the prize, also emphasizes the architectural features:

“The east, south and west facades in Domat/Ems are appealing, with their enormous size making an architectural statement for large buildings… These solar industrial facilities represent a technological milestone and symbolize the company’s pioneering role in the field of solar energy. The combination of solar technology and aesthetic architecture shows how companies can contribute to combating climate change and enhancing the townscape through their decisions. Hamilton Bonaduz AG is thus setting new standards for the industry and inspiring other companies to implement sustainable energy measures.

We would like to thank the Solar Agency Switzerland for the award and their many years of commitment to promoting solar energy. Thanks also to our partners in the construction of Hamilton 2.0:

  • Domenig Architekten AG
  • Tritec AG


    Further Information

    I was looking for a job where I could put myself out there and have an impact.

    Flavio Fontana

    Head of Engineering Digital Solutions, Hamilton Medical AG

    I can put my theoretical knowledge into practice here.

    Adrian Joost

    Working Student, Hamilton Medical AG

    Our projects have similar team sizes, similar budgets and similar schedules to startups. The big difference at Hamilton is that we don’t have to chase after money. We can focus fully on our innovations.

    Yavuz Çelik

    Product Manager, Hamilton Bonaduz AG
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