Hamilton Whistleblowing Hotline is online


The Hamilton companies' whistleblowing hotline has been online since Friday, December 1.

The Hamilton companies’ whistleblowing hotline has been online since Friday, December 1. On this platform, company grievances can be reported easily and confidentially. Reports can be made by current and former employees, customers and suppliers who have information about irregularities in the company.

Reports can make a decisive contribution to uncovering and remedying operational grievances. This involves not only criminal acts, but also disregard for internal rules, inaction, negligence, and improper behavior.

Further Information

Media report19.05.2021

High-tech coronavirus aids “made in Graubünden”

Throughout the pandemic, it was mainly the high-tech company’s ventilators that got noticed. But Hamilton also contributed with testing robots, sensors used in vaccine production, and other life science solutions in order to assist with crisis management and boost efficiencies right across the globe.

I was looking for a job where I could put myself out there and have an impact.

Flavio Fontana

Head of Engineering Digital Solutions, Hamilton Medical AG

The result is an innovation for humanity, and this makes me extremely proud.

Jonas Hilti

Control Technology Engineer, Hamilton Bonaduz AG

I can put my theoretical knowledge into practice here.

Adrian Joost

Working Student, Hamilton Medical AG
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